
Friday, 6 March 2015

Too Grey

Blazer - Monki
Striped Jumper - ASOS
Trainers - Pull & Bear
I wore this outfit the other day for a quick fix for a meal and cinema trip and really liked it, so it has been a new go to outfit. The photos are from earlier this week when me and Alex actually had a whole afternoon to ourselves, no work or college, a real rarity for us. I had been to college and had some filming work to get on with. We went off to a forest to get some arty farty shots for my filming and on the way home we took these outfit shots. I love this graffiti wall and it seemed the perfect backdrop for this monochrome outfit. 
This is the outfit I was wearing when I was so kindly insulted by a fellow student in my class, someone I barely know. It was a remark on my 'grey' hair and how I was too young to have grey hair. I politely pointed out it was lilac and had faded this greyish colour, whilst biting my tongue. You may not think their comment is that rude but to me it was unnecessary, I'm not that confident and a negative remark on my appearance really plays on my mind! My point is this is not the first time someone has outright made a rude remark on my appearance or hair in the last few months. It utterly bemuses me how people can be so extremely rude and quick to remark on people's appearances, yet think their comment is ok. Now I am no saint,  I don't go around always thinking everyone's outfit choices or hair choices etc are perfect but I would never air these negative thoughts and think that it was ok to insult them like that. What I'm rambling on about it, is why do people feel they can just insult you and then laugh about it as if you won't take it personally? Banter is a term chucked around, even the word makes me vomit in my own mouth, but it is not banter when you insult someone. It is just bloody rude and hurtful. So if you take anything away from this post then just be nice! Think before you verbalise your thoughts, or leave a nasty comment on social media because everyone has feelings, we aren't rocks! 


  1. i actually really like the grey-ish tone your hair has here, i think it suits you quite well :)

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