
Thursday, 18 April 2013

 I apologise its been a while since I've blogged again but I've not been very well sorry :) Anyway due to me being bed bound I haven't really been spending but I have brought some new boots, and I love them. I haven't had a chance to wear them out yet but I will be breaking their shoe virginity this Saturday. It's my friend's 18th birthday and we are going to Bristol and I have had my outfit planned since my gorgeous boots arrived. 
 I first discovered the boots on Asos and I was waiting to buy them when pay day came but disaster struck when then they went out of stock before pay day. But I wasn't going to give up that easily, I love the black leather combined with the gold pointed toe cap. I used my best tool...Ebay. I logged on and by complete fashion luck a lady had got the boots (in my size!) and they didn't fit her. I snapped them up for just £15 and £4 postage and they were brand new, it saved me more money rather than if I had brought them brand new from Asos. 

My gorgeous boots
I've seen the boots on beautycrush who is a blogger on youtube I love her channel, she has a great style and I love her tattoo's. The link to the video in which Sam wears the boots is to follow... Now I think these boots are fab as they are simple enough to wear with jeans as shown in my photos above and below. But the gold toe cap adds a touch of glamour which can spice up any going out outfit. I can't wait to wear them on Saturday and will take as many photos as possible as a follow up post for you all to enjoy. 

Front on view 
I hope you enjoyed my post and thank you so much for all your views and support so far. Also thank you to my six followers it means so much that my views are of interest to you all. 
Adios amigos