
Friday, 3 January 2014

New Year Resolutions

I'm not normally one to even attempt New Year resolutions as I have no willpower and often forget. However I feel this year I will have a go as I have all you lovelies to keep an eye on me and motivate me. Here we go...
1. Blog MORE! This is my absolute priority this year. I often have my time full but if I organise myself I'm sure I can blog more regularly for you all to enjoy or not. 
2. Cosmetics, I am so lazy with my skin and really should take better care of it now I'm no longer a teenager (well official anyway). I'm lucky in the fact my skin is normally pretty good but it could be better. 
3. Eat more healthy. I think after the Christmas binge everyone feels like this and in no way shape or form do I think I need to lose weight. I am happy enough with my figure but I eat so much junk that my body on the inside probably isn't that happy. 
I think that is enough, well for me anyway. I need you guys to help encourage me and remind me though as I will forget. I'd love to hear your resolutions if any so let me know in the comments, through twitter (@Charlottie7890) or Instagram (@stepintomycloset7). 


  1. I am trying to dedicate myself to exercise this year - good luck!

    I found your blog via Bloglovin and it would be great if you could take a look at my latest posts :) xx

    1. this whole resolutions thing is hard work!
      Aww I'm so glad you did of course I will and sure I'll follow you too xx
